GitOps with control planes

GitOps is an approach for managing a system by declaratively describing desired resources’ configurations in Git and using controllers to realize the desired state. Upbound’s managed control planes are compatible with this pattern and it’s strongly recommended you integrate GitOps in the platforms you build on Upbound.

Integrate with Argo CD and Flux

Argo CD and Flux are two examples of projects in the Kubernetes ecosystem commonly used for GitOps. You can use them in tandem with Upbound managed control planes to achieve GitOps flows. The sections below explain how to integrate these tools with Upbound.

Argo CD

Configure Argo CD

To configure Argo CD for Annotation resource tracking, edit the Argo CD ConfigMap in the Argo CD namespace. Add application.resourceTrackingMethod: annotation to the data section as below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: argocd-cm
  application.resourceTrackingMethod: annotation

This configuration turns off Argo CD auto pruning, preventing the deletion of Crossplane resources.

Connect an MCP to Argo CD

You can connect an external Argo CD instance to your managed control plane to sync Crossplane claims.

  1. Create a kubeconfig file for your MCP with the up CLI. Use the up ctp kubeconfig get command and define the filename to save the kubeconfig to. This example saves the kubeconfig to a file named mcp-kubeconfig.yaml.
up ctp kubeconfig get -a <organization> <control-plane-name> --token <token> -f mcp-kubeconfig.yaml
  1. Save the kubeconfig of the managed control plane as a secret on the external Kubernetes cluster where you installed Argo. The kubeconfig you get from Upbound has all the values required to translate into the format Argo expects like the below example. The secret should match the following configuration:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mcp-kubeconfig-secret
  labels: cluster
type: Opaque
  name: <cluster-name-in-argo>
  config: |
      "bearerToken": "<authentication token>",
      "tlsClientConfig": {
        "insecure": false,
        "caData": "<base64 encoded certificate>"
  1. Define a new Argo Application resource representing your managed control plane. In, provide the same name as what you set in the preceding secret’s
kind: Application
  name: managed-control-plane
    name: <cluster-name-in-argo>
  project: default
    path: claims
    repoURL: <your-controlplane-repo-source>
    targetRevision: main
      recurse: true
    automated: {}
  1. Create claims in the Git repository that Argo is monitoring and observe how they’re transmitted to your managed control plane in Upbound.


You can use Flux to sync claims to your managed control planes. To do this, you need to have an instance of Flux running externally to Upbound, since you can’t install Flux locally in Upbound. Assuming you are running Flux elsewhere outside of Upbound, the steps to use Flux to sync claims are the following:

  1. Fetch your managed control plane’s API server endpoint so you can provide it to Flux. In the step below, use the up CLI to fetch the kubeconfig of your MCP and write it to a file.
up ctp kubeconfig get -a <account> <control-plane-name> --token <token> -f mcp-kubeconfig.yaml
  1. Create a secret on the external Kubernetes cluster where you installed Flux. This secret should contain the kubeconfig from the previous step.
kubectl create secret generic controlplane-kubeconfig --from-file=value=./mcp-kubeconfig.yaml -n flux-system
  1. Define a new Flux Kustomization resource representing your managed control plane and apply to your Flux cluster. The example manifest below assumes you store claims in your Git repository under a claims folder.
# xp-kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
  name: claim-sync
  namespace: flux-system
  interval: 5m0s
  path: ./claims
  prune: true
    kind: GitRepository
    name: flux-system
      name: controlplane-kubeconfig
  1. Apply a Kustomization to tell Flux about this resource
kind: Kustomization
- xp-kustomization.yaml
  1. Create claims in the Git repository that Flux is monitoring and observe how they’re transmitted to your managed control plane in Upbound.
The secret defined in the .spec.kubeConfig.secretRef.Name kubeConfig.SecretRef must exist in the same namespace as the Kustomization. See the Flux documentation for more information.

Control plane connector

Upbound’s Managed Control Plane Connector (MCP Connector) is another way you can set up GitOps flows with Upbound managed control planes. MCP Connector is for users coming from open source Crossplane and who treated Crossplane as an add-on to an existing Kubernetes application cluster. In that world, users could interact with Crossplane APIs from the same cluster they deploy their applications to. This model breaks when users move their Crossplane instances into a managed solution in Upbound.

MCP Connector connects Kubernetes application clusters—running outside of Upbound–to your managed control planes running in Upbound. This allows you to interact with your managed control plane’s API right from the app cluster. The claim APIs you define via CompositeResourceDefinitions are available alongside Kubernetes workload APIs like Pod. In effect, MCP Connector providers the same experience as a locally installed Crossplane.

Illustration of MCP Connector

Managed control plane connector operations

The MCP Connector creates an APIService resource in your Kubernetes cluster for every claim API in your control plane. Your Kubernetes cluster sends every request for the claim API to the MCP Connector. The MCP Connector makes the request to the Upbound control plane it’s connected to.

The claim APIs are available in your Kubernetes cluster just like all native Kubernetes API.


With the up CLI

Log in with the up CLI:

up login

Connect your app cluster to a namespace in an Upbound managed control plane with up controlplane connector install <control-plane-name> <namespace-to-sync-to>. This command creates a user token and installs the MCP Connector to your cluster.

You need to provide your Upbound organization account name with --account option if it wasn’t specified during login.
up controlplane connector install my-control-plane my-app-ns-1 --account my-org-name

The Claim APIs from your managed control plane are now visible in the cluster. You can verify this with kubectl api-resources.

kubectl api-resources

With Helm

The MCP Connector is also available as a Helm chart. First add the Upbound beta repository with the helm repo add command.

helm repo add upbound-beta

Update the local Helm chart cache with helm repo update.

helm repo update

Install the MCP Connector Helm chart with helm install. Make sure to update the chart values with your own. You must provide:

  • mcp.account, provide an Upbound org account name
  •, provide the name of the managed control plane you want to connect to
  • mcp.namespace, provide the namespace in your managed control plane to sync to
  • mcp.token, an API token from Upbound used by the MCP Connector to allow for interaction with your managed control plane
helm install --wait mcp-connector upbound-beta/mcp-connector -n kube-system /
  --set mcp.account='your-upbound-org-account' 
  --set mcp.namespace='your-app-ns-1'   
  --set mcp.token='replace-with-an-API-token-from-Upbound'   
Create an API token from the Upbound user account settings page in the console by following these instructions.


With the up CLI

Disconnect an app cluster that you prior installed the MCP connector on by running the following:

up ctp connector uninstall <namespace>

This command uninstalls the helm chart for the MCP connector from an app cluster. It moves any claims in the app cluster into the managed control plane at the specified namespace.

Make sure your kubeconfig’s current context is pointed at the app cluster where you want to uninstall MCP connector from.

With Helm

You can uninstall MCP connector with Helm by running the following:

helm uninstall mcp-connector

Example usage

This example creates a control plane using Configuration EKS. KubernetesCluster is available as a claim API in your control plane. The following is an example object you can create in your control plane.

kind: KubernetesCluster
  name: my-cluster
  namespace: default
  id: my-cluster
      count: 3
      size: small
          version: "34.5.1"
    name: my-cluster-kubeconfig

After connecting your Kubernetes app cluster to the managed control plane, you can create the KubernetesCluster object in your app cluster. Although your local cluster has an Object, the actual resources is in your managed control plane inside Upbound.

# Applying the claim YAML above.
# kubectl is set up to talk with your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl apply -f claim.yaml
Claim in cluster

Once Kubernetes creates the object, view the console to see your object.

Claim by connector in console

You can interact with the object through your cluster just as if it lives in your cluster.

Upbound uses the Kubernetes API Aggregation Layer to allow tools to interact with the remote object as if it was local.

Connect multiple app clusters to a managed control plane

Claims are store in a unique namespace in the Upbound managed control plane. Every cluster creates a new MCP namespace.

Multi-cluster architecture with managed control plane connector

There’s no limit on the number of clusters connected to a single control plane. Control plane operators can see all their infrastructure in a central control plane.

Without using managed control planes and MCP Connector, users have to install Crossplane and providers for cluster. Each cluster requires configuration for providers with necessary credentials. With a single control plane where multiple clusters connected through Upbound tokens, you don’t need to give out any cloud credentials to the clusters.