Provider AWS

The below release notes are for the Upbound AWS official provider. These notes only contain noteworthy changes and you should refer to each release’s GitHub release notes for full details.

For more information on the release cadence and support protocol refer to the provider support and maintenance page.


Released 2024-07-26

  • This release includes a bug fix.

Refer to the v1.9.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-07-11

  • Support for new resources: and
  • This release includes a new family provider provider-aws-mwaa, new resources, enhancements, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.9.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-06-27

  • Support for new resources:,, and
  • This release includes a new family provider provider-aws-codeartifact, new resources, bug fixes, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.8.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-06-13

  • This release includes converting singleton lists in the MR APIs to embedded objects, bug fixes, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.7.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-06-13

  • This release includes an important bug fix, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v1.6.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-06-07

  • Support for new resources:, and
  • This release includes a new family provider provider-aws-codeguruprofiler, new resources, bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.6.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-05-24

  • Update the AWS Terraform provider version to v5.50.0
  • Support for new resource:
  • This release includes a new resource, bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.5.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-04-25

  • This release includes a new set of managed resource (MR) metrics, bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates.

Refer to the v1.4.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-04-04

  • This release includes an important bug fix, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v1.3.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-28

  • The release introduces a new family provider provider-aws-kafkaconnect, new resources, bug fixes, and dependency updates.
  • This release also introduces a credential cache for IRSA authentication, which reduces the number of AWS STS calls the provider makes.
  • Support for New Resources:,, and

Refer to the v1.3.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-18

  • This release includes an important bug fix, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v1.2.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-14

  • Sets a default io.Discard logger for the controller-runtime if debug logging isn’t enabled.
  • Refactors AWS client configuration logic with a single path.
  • This release includes some important bug fixes, and updates of dependencies, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v1.2.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-14

  • This release sets a default io.Discard logger for the controller-runtime if debug logging isn’t enabled.

Refer to the v0.47.4 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-07

  • This release includes two important bug fixes, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v1.1.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-03-07

  • This release includes two important bug fixes, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v0.47.3 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-02-16

  • This release includes some important bug fixes and dependency bumps, please select the release notes for more details.

Refer to the v0.47.2 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-02-15

  • Support for new family provider: provider-aws-opensearchserverless
  • Support for new resources:,,,,,,
  • The release introduces a new family provider, new resources, important bug fixes, dependency updates, and a new ProviderConfig API for WebIdentity authentication.

Refer to the v1.1.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-02-01

  • Update the AWS Terraform provider version to v5.31.0
  • Support for new resource:
  • This release brings support for generating multi-version Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and CRD conversion webhooks.
  • The release contains some important bug fixes, support v1beta2 for some resources, adding a new resource, and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v1.0.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-01-03

  • This release changes assume_role_with_web_identity provider configuration value from a map to a list as expected by the corresponding Terraform provider schema and fixes some issues related to the UserPoolClient.cognitoidp resource.

Refer to the v0.47.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2024-01-03

  • This release changes assume_role_with_web_identity provider configuration value from a map to a list as expected by the corresponding Terraform provider schema and fixes some issues related to the UserPoolClient.cognitoidp resource.

Refer to the v0.46.2 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-28

  • Support for new resource: TopicRuleDestination.iot and Endpoint.sagemaker
  • The release contains some important bug fixes, adding new resources, and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v0.47.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-18

  • The release contains two important bug fixes, for more details please select the release notes.

Refer to the v0.46.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-08

  • Support for new family provider: provider-aws-identitystore
  • Support for new resources: Group.identitystore, GroupMembership.identitystore, User.identitystore, CustomerManagedPolicyAttachment.ssoadmin, InstanceAccessControlAttributes.ssoadmin and PermissionsBoundaryAttachment.ssoadmin
  • The release contains some bug fixes adding a new family provider, adding new resources, and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v0.46.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-11-30

  • Support for new resource: LBListenerCertificate.elbv2
  • The release contains some bug fixes and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v0.45.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-30

  • This release backports the PR addressing the regression related to IAM roles and role policy attachments introduced in version 0.40.0

Refer to the v0.42.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-30

  • This release backports the PR addressing the regression related to IAM roles and role policy attachments introduced in version 0.40.0

Refer to the v0.41.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-12-30

  • This release backports the PR addressing the regression related to IAM roles and role policy attachments introduced in version 0.40.0

Refer to the v0.40.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-11-16

  • In v0.44.0, the Upjet version upgraded to v1.0.0. This upgrade, brings a change with how interact with the underlying Terraform AWS provider. Instead of interfacing with TF CLI, the new implementation consumes the Terraform provider’s Go provider schema and invokes the CRUD functions registered in that schema.
  • The release contains some bug fixes and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v0.44.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-11-02

  • This release updates Crossplane Runtime to v1.14.1 which includes a fix in the retry mechanism while persisting the critical annotations.

Refer to the v0.43.1 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-10-26

  • Support for new resource: ServerlessCluster.kafka
  • The release contains some bug fixes and updates of dependencies.

Refer to the v0.43.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-10-12

  • Support for new resources: SecurityGroupEgressRule.ec2, SecurityGroupIngressRule.ec2
  • The release contains some bug fixes, updates of dependencies, and promoting granular management policies to Beta.

Refer to the v0.42.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-09-29

  • Support for new family provider: provider-aws-redshiftserverless
  • Support for new resources: ScramSecretAssociation.kafka, JobDefinition.batch, EndpointAccess.redshiftserverless RedshiftServerlessNamespace.redshiftserverless, ResourcePolicy.redshiftserverless, Snapshot.redshiftserverless, UsageLimit.redshiftserverless and Workgroup.redshiftserverless
  • The release contains some bug fixes and configuring the default poll jitter for the controllers.

Refer to the v0.41.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-08-31

  • Support for new resource: RolePolicy.iam
  • The release contains the ability to define roles with inline policy and managed policy arn in the Role.iam resource and some bug fixes.

Refer to the v0.40.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-08-23

  • Support for new resources: PrincipalAssociation.ram and ResourceShareAccepter.ram
  • The release contains some important bug fixes to the granular management policies and a fix in the reconciliation logic of the Upjet runtime.
  • Updated Terraform CLI to 1.5.5 to address CVEs in previous Terraform versions.

Refer to the v0.39.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-08-01

  • This release adds support for the spec.initProvider API and for the granular management policies alpha feature.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.

Refer to the v0.38.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-06-27

  • ⚠️ The family providers now require Crossplane version v1.12.1 or later.
  • Support for new resources: datasync and route53_zone_association.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements

Refer to the v0.37.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-06-13

Refer to the v0.36.0 release notes for full details.

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Released 2023-05-15

  • Update the AWS Terraform provider version to v4.66.0
  • Adds LocalStack support for testing.
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements.

Refer to the v0.35.0 release notes for full details.

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