Upgrade UXP

Use the up command-line Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) to upgrade an existing install to a newer version or to upgrade from open source Crossplane.

Upgrade from Upbound Universal Crossplane

UXP supports upgrading from any older UXP release to any newer UXP release version.

Use up uxp upgrade <VERSION> to upgrade UXP.

For example, to upgrade to version v1.7.0-up.1 use the command

up uxp upgrade v1.7.0-up.1 -n upbound-system
You must provide the current UXP namespace.

Upgrade from open source Crossplane

UXP supports upgrading from open source Crossplane to UXP with identical version numbers.

Identical versions have the same major, minor, and patch numbers.
For example, Crossplane v1.3.1 and UXP v1.3.1-up.1 are identical.

Crossplane v1.3.1 and UXP v1.3.3-up.1 aren’t.

Use up uxp upgrade <VERSION> to upgrade from Crossplane to UXP.

up uxp upgrade v1.7.0-up.1 -n crossplane-system
You must install UXP in the same namespace as the existing Crossplane install.

To upgrade Crossplane to UXP find the current version of Crossplane installed.

kubectl get pods  -n crossplane-system -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}{"\n"}'
crossplane/crossplane:v1.7.0 crossplane/crossplane:v1.7.0

View the current Crossplane related pods.

kubectl get pods -n crossplane-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
crossplane-7db56bd5c6-85z8s                1/1     Running   0          25m
crossplane-rbac-manager-78469fcfcf-6df5g   1/1     Running   0          25m

Find the correct version of UXP to upgrade to from the UXP releases page.

Upgrade to the compatible version of UXP.

up uxp upgrade v1.7.0-up.1 -n crossplane-system

Upgrading to UXP replaces the crossplane and crossplane-rbac-manager pods and adds two new pods to the cluster.

kubectl get pods -n crossplane-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS     AGE
crossplane-797c7cd8b6-csp8h                1/1     Running   0            2m7s
crossplane-rbac-manager-744b86cbcd-c45tk   1/1     Running   0            2m7s