Release Notes

Find below the changelog for Upbound the product and release notes for self-hosted feature of Upbound, Spaces.

Spaces release notes

Spaces v1.5.0

Released July 1st, 2024.


  • We’ve expanded the observability feature by adding Spaces-level logs collection configurable through helm values. We also added the healthcheck extension and liveness probe to the OpenTelemetry Collector.
  • We have a new feature enabled by default that updates the ConfigMap crossplane-versions-public in the upbound-system namespace. Whenever a new security or fix release is published, the ConfigMap will be updated. You can disable this feature with controller.crossplane.versionsController.enabled.false when running in disconnected self-hosted Spaces.

What’s Changed

  • We now expose a metrics port on vcluster-etcd containers.
  • We removed network policies that block egress from a control plane’s functions.
  • We removed the legacy OIDC flags authenticator deprecated in Spaces v1.3.0.

Spaces v1.4.2

Released June 26th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • We updated the configuration of memory limits on a Space core component to avoid OOMs.
  • We updated Kubernetes API, Controller and Manager to v1.28.6.

Spaces v1.4.1

Released June 20th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • We added missing RBAC permissions for up migration import to work against a Spaces MCP.
  • We improved the reliability of group creation in a connected self-hosted space.
  • We fixed a bug impacting hub authorization when a Space is deployed on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster.

Spaces v1.4.0

Released June 7th, 2024.


  • We’ve introduced a new alpha feature of Upbound IAM: Upbound RBAC. Upbound RBAC allows for a unified authentication and authorization model across Upbound. Users who operate single-tenant Cloud or Disconnected Spaces can continue to use the Kubernetes-native RBAC. Upbound RBAC allows users to control access in the Upbound Console down to the local Space. The new ObjectRoleBinding API type represents these Upbound RBAC role bindings in the Space locally.
  • We’ve extended the alpha observability feature which shipped in Spaces v1.3.0. Observability is now also available at the Space level, which lets users observe Spaces machinery. To enable this feature, set the features.alpha.observability.enabled flag to true when installing Spaces.

What’s Changed

  • We enabled the Crossplane Usages alpha feature in managed control planes.
  • Space admins can now pass custom service account annotations to Crossplane service account.
  • We fixed some bugs related to authentication and single-tenant Spaces when in Disconnected mode.
  • We now allow scaling up core control plane components via helm values.
  • The latest supported Crossplane minor version in Spaces was bumped to 1.16.
  • Spaces prereq providers have had version bumps to allow for incorporating new metrics emissions from these providers. Provider-kubernetes is bumped to v0.14.0 and provider-helm to v0.19.0.
  • Kube-native Hub authentication and authorization has been enabled by default.

Spaces v1.3.1

Released May 7th, 2024.


  • This release fixes some Identity and Access Management related issues.

Spaces v1.3.0

Released April 30th, 2024.


  • Control Plane Groups: Introducing Control Plane groups and Shared APIs for managing multiple control planes and related resource types, streamlining operations across environments.
  • Automated Crossplane Upgrades: Implementing release channels for automated upgrades of Crossplane versions, ensuring Control planes remains up-to-date by getting latest patches automatically.
  • Unified IAM: Unified identity and access management experience to manage access controls to everything within Spaces.
  • Performance and Stability Improvements: Enhancements to system performance and stability to ensure a smoother and more reliable experience.

Alpha Features

  • Aggregate Query API: Enchanced experience for querying one or more Control Planes with Aggregate Query API.
  • External Secret Stores: Introducing the SharedSecretStore API, supporting external secret management.
  • Upbound Policy: Introducing SharedUpboundPolicy API for centralized policy management across control planes.
  • Observability: ShareTelemetryConfig API enabling exporting one or more telemetry for one or more control planes to the desired observability backends.
  • Backup and Restore: Implementing SharedBackup and SharedBackupSchedule APIs to provide robust backup and restore functionality control planes.
  • Importing/Exporting Control Planes: Enabling migrating in or out from Spaces control planes.

Spaces v1.2.4

Released March 13th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Tweaked the control plane API autoscaler configuration per recent performance testing.
  • Fixed an issue causing the kube-state-metrics pods being restarted per CRD deployed in the control plane.
  • Optimized the control plane deletion process to reduce the time it takes to delete a control plane.
  • Fixed an issue breaking kubectl logs command against the control plane API.

Spaces v1.2.3

Released March 1st, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • This release fixes an issue that affected control planes’ ability to provision in non-kind cluster environments.

Spaces v1.2.2

Released March 1st, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • This release contains several improvements to improve control plane orchestration performance. It addresses an issue where control plane provisioning time degraded when multiple control planes were provisioned in parallel.
  • The latest supported minor Crossplane version is now v1.15.

Spaces v1.2.1

Released February 8th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Fixed an issue causing the controlplane resources having a benign annotation.
  • Fixed an issue causing hotlooping version controller when a controlplane is deleted.
  • Other stability and performance improvements.

Spaces v1.2.0

Released February 1st, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • We introduced a new concept called control plane groups within a Space. Technically, all kind: controlplane resources are now namespace-scoped objects (as opposed to previously being cluster-scoped).
  • Control planes now offer auto-upgrade channels (rapid, stable, patch, and none), giving users control over what pace their control plane’s Crossplane version automatically upgrades to. None gives users total control over when to upgrade the Crossplane version in a managed control plane.
  • Alpha suppport for a new aggregate query API that can be used to query state across one or more control planes in a group.
  • Alpha support for built-in multi-control plane secrets management. Define new SharedSecrets and SharedSecretStores within a control plane group to selectively provision secrets from an external store–such as Vault–into the control planes in the group.
  • Support for OIDC auhentication flows when interacting directly with a managed control plane in a Space.
  • new up CLI commands to migrate open soure Crossplane or UXP instances into a managed control plane in a Space.

Spaces v1.1.0

Released October 10th, 2023.

What’s Changed

  • Alpha support for enabling External Secrets Operator in a control plane.
  • Control plane api-server autoscaling based on CRD count.
  • Universal Crossplane was bumped from v1.13.2-up.1 to v.1.13.2-up.2 for all control planes.
  • new up CLI commands to interact with managed control planes in a Space.

Spaces v1.0.1

Released August 31st, 2023.

What’s Changed

  • Export mxp-gateway metrics via otlp-collector

Spaces v1.0.0

Released August 28th, 2023.

What’s Changed

  • controllers: patch against original object
  • Promote APIs to v1beta1
  • apis: clarify resource descriptions
  • apis/mxp: minimize unused xr fields
  • Stop routing internal traffic in the hub hostcluster through the ingress-controller
  • XManagedControlPlane and hub XHostCluster XRs to v1beta1
  • Introduce CRD lifecycle management through mxe-apis
  • Add external-name to xhostclusterservices composed resource
  • Stop logging bearer token at debug
  • Clean up misc items
  • Update XHostClusterServices resource
  • Minor adjustments to destroy process
  • Enable git source by default and keep it optional
  • kube-control-plane: bump to kube 1.28
  • ArgoCD controller to register ControlPlane as target
  • vcluster: bump memory limit to 400Mi after seeing 270Mi in reality
  • mxp-gateway: use client-go’s transport cache
  • Bring vcluster-k8s in tree
  • Return error instead of panic if ctp connection secret ref is unset
  • vcluster: disable its liveness probe pointing to kube-apiserver
  • Observability networkpolicy fixes
  • Fix ssh auth with known_hosts and sub-directory discovery
  • git: fix commit ref bugs
  • git: run through cleanup even if controlplane is not ready
  • Fix otlp-collector networkpolicy ports

Control plane connector release notes

MCP connector v0.5.0

Released June 6th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Support for auth with Upbound Identity.
  • Upgraded Kubernetes library dependencies from 1.26 to 1.29.

MCP connector v0.4.0

Released April 29th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Add ability to set memory and cpu limits.

MCP connector v0.3.8

Released March 21st, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Configured burst and QPS for kube clients to prevent excessive rate limiting.

MCP connector v0.3.7

Released March 21st, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Fixed regular expression for managed control plane check for older versions of the Spaces API.

MCP connector v0.3.6

Released March 15th, 2024.

What’s Changed

  • Updated managed control plane check to support the recent changes in the Spaces API.