
up interacts with a variety of systems, each of which may have information that persists between commands. up stores this information in a configuration file in ~/.up/config.json.


The up CLI stores configuration information in ~/.up/config.json. Commands use the specified profile when set via the --profile flag or UP_PROFILE environment variable. If a profile isn’t set, up uses the profile specified as default.


up allows users to define profiles that contain sets of preferences and credentials for interacting with Upbound. This enables executing commands as different users, in different accounts, or different Upbound deployment contexts.

An up profile uses the following format:

  "upbound": {
    "default": "",
    "profiles": {
      "": {
        "id": "",
        "type": "",
        "session": "",
        "account": ""
      // other profiles

Profile types

You can configure an up profile as one of three types:

  • user: This profile type configures up to communicate with an account in Upbound’s SaaS environment.
  • space: This profile type configures up to communicate with an Upbound Space, which requires a kubecontext.
  • token: This profile type configures up to communicate with an account in Upbound’s SaaS environment using an API token as the auth method.

Profile management

Add or update a profile

To add or update a profile, users can use up login with the appropriate credentials and a profile name specified. For instance, the following command would add a new profile named test:

up login --profile test -u hasheddan -p cool-password

By default the command updates the profile named default. Update a specific profile with --profile. Set an account as the default account with -a (--account).

If users use up to create a new Space, up automatically adds a new profile configured to communicate with that Space.

Set the default profile

Running commands without --profile or UP_PROFILE variable set uses the profile specified as the value to the default:.

If the configuration file is empty when a user logs in, that user becomes the default. Or, if the configuration file is empty when a user creates a Space, that Space becomes the default.

Set the current profile

up executes commands against the current profile. If you have multiple profiles and you want to toggle between contexts, run the following:

up profile use 

Invalidate session tokens

up uses session tokens for authentication after login. Tokens are valid for 30 days from login.

Tokens are private authentication data. Don’t share your token.

For currently active tokens, revoke the token with up logout --profile <profile-name>.

For inactive tokens, use the Upbound Password Reset and select “Delete all active sessions” to revoke all tokens.