
The following policies provide details on the use, access, support and maintenance of the Upbound Official providers.


The Upbound Official providers are open source, and the source code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.

Upbound is the publisher for the Official provider listings in the Upbound Marketplace.


Your Upbound subscription level determines the level of access to the versions of each Official provider in the Marketplace.

Anonymous and Individual Tier subscribers

Anonymous Crossplane community members without an Upbound account, along with Individual tier subscribers, can access only the latest released version of the current major version of each Official Provider.

When Upbound releases a new provider version, access to the previous version ends, and users must upgrade to the latest version. For major version changes, a 30-day grace period allows access to the last release of the prior major version.

This policy applies to Official Providers published after March 25, 2025. All versions published prior to this date are pullable without a subscription to Upbound.

Accessing the latest released version

The latest version of an Official provider is accessible to users via the v[major] tag in the Marketplace. For example, if the latest version of provider-aws-s3 is v1.16.0, access it with xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3:v1

Team, Enterprise, and Business Critical subscribers

If your organization has a Team, Enterprise, or Business Critical subscription to Upbound, you can access all published versions of Official providers.

To access older Official provider versions, make sure you’ve configured pull secrets for the Official providers.


Team or higher subscription tiers will allow access to all available provider versions in the access window, while Community and Individual tier will only be able to access the latest version of the provider. For convenience this version will be tagged as v[major] (v1) so users don’t need to update the package version each time a new release is made.

Tier access

Community and Individual tier users can only access the v version. Community and Individual tiers don’t support pinning specific patch or minor provider versions.

When, for example, a new minor version of the provider is released the v1 tag will automatically update to point to this latest version.

Minor release


For Upbound customers with a Team tier or higher subscription, Upbound supports its Official providers for 12 months from the release date.

Once the support window has lapsed, an unsupported provider version is accessible for another 6 months in the Upbound Marketplace.

The support window for Upbound Official providers for AWS, Azure, AzureAD, and GCP on versions before v1.0.0 ends after 31 Jan 2025.

Upbound customers with Enterprise tier or higher subscription can open a ticket to request support with the Official providers.


Official providers have two relevant version numbers:

  • Provider release, for example, provider-aws:v1.16.0
  • Custom Resource Definition (CRD) API version, for example v1beta1

Provider versions

Upbound publishes new Official provider versions to provide bug fixes and enhancements. Provider versions follow standard semantic versioning (semver) standards of <major>.<minor>.<patch> numbering.

Major version

A major version indicates production stability and long-term support. When the major version of the underlying Terraform provider (if generated with Upjet) or Upjet runtime updates, the provider’s major version increments. Major version updates reset the minor and patch to zero.

A change in the major version number does not come with a backward compatibility guarantee. The release notes will indicate all breaking changes introduced and provide instructions on adapting to them.

Minor version

The minor version number increases when new features, such as new capabilities, resources, or fields, are introduced. This update resets the patch number to zero and may also include bug fixes.

Patch version

A patch version increases for releases with only bug fixes and no new features.

CRD API versions

The CRDs contained within an Official provider follow the standard Kubernetes API versioning and deprecation policy.

  • v1alpha1 - CRDs under v1alpha haven’t yet passed through Upbound’s quality assurance process. v1alpha1 providers are for testing and experimentation and aren’t intended for production deployment.
  • v1beta1 - This identifies a qualified and tested CRD under common use cases. Upbound attempts to ensure a stable CRD API but may require breaking changes in future versions. v1beta1 APIs may be missing endpoints or settings related to the provider resource.
  • v1beta2 - Like v1beta1 CRDs all v1beta2 providers are fully qualified and tested. v1beta2 contain more features or breaking changes from the v1beta1 API.
  • v1 - CRDs that reach a v1 API version have fully defined APIs. Upbound won’t make breaking API changes in the current major version of the provider.



A release that increments the minor or patch version is backward compatible with the prior release.

Backward compatibility promises that the Crossplane-managed resource APIs, configurations, and infrastructure aren’t impacted when upgrading to a new version with a higher minor or patch version number and the same major version number. For example, upgrading from v1.2.3 to v1.2.4 or v1.3.0 should work without any needed changes.

You can skip minor or patch releases and upgrade to the latest release within the same major version, such as upgrading from v1.2.3 to v1.2.7 or v1.5.0.

Despite the commitment to backward compatibility, you should always simulate upgrades in a non-production environment before applying to production.


Backward compatibility is not guaranteed when downgrading to a prior version.

Downgrading to a previous version may require manual intervention to ensure the provider and the resources remain in a synced/healthy state. In some scenarios, it might be necessary to uninstall the provider and reinstall the older desired version.

You should always simulate downgrades in a non-production environment before applying to production. Upbound customers with Official Provider support should consult their Solutions Architect before a production downgrade.

Family provider version compatibility

The major, minor and patch versions of all the family providers are updated in unison regardless of whether a specific provider in the family has changes or nor.

A family of providers, like provider-family-aws, is published with all the providers in the family using the same version number. Using providers from the same family with different version numbers is technically possible, but this could introduce incompatibility in some situations. Due to the large number of combinations, testing all compatibility permutations between different family provider versions isn’t possible.

Upbound highly recommends that the family providers are all kept on the same version.

The following constraints apply to allow version compatibility:

  • All family providers must be on the same major version.
  • All family providers must be on the same or prior minor version as the family’s configuration provider (for example, the provider-aws-family provider).


  • Technically valid combination: provider-family-aws:v1.1.0, provider-aws-s3:v1.1.1, provider-aws-ec3:v1.0.1
  • Invalid combination: provider-family-aws:v1.1.0, provider-aws-s3:v1.0.0, provider-aws-ec3:v0.46.0
  • Invalid combination: provider-family-aws:v1.0.0, provider-aws-s3:v1.0.1, provider-aws-ec3:v1.1.0


Upbound will make reasonable commercial effort to ensure its Official providers are free from Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) under the following conditions:

  1. Upbound’s vulnerability scanners identifies a CVE affecting a provider package
  2. The CVE is independently fixable of any other bugs. For a CVE to be fixable, either there is
    1. an upstream release version available which has been verified to fix the CVE, or
    2. an affected provider package can be rebuilt with updated compilers and/or libraries to remediate that CVE.

Upbound will address each CVE meeting this criteria based on it’s severity score, according to the Common Vulnerability Scoring System version 3, as follows:

  • Critical Severity: Within 7 calendar days from the date an upstream fix is publicly available.
  • High, Medium, and Low severity: Within 14 calendar days from the date an upstream fix is publicly available.

A CVE will be considered addressed when a new version of the provider with the fix is released to the Marketplace.