Migration tooling
You need to use Crossplane v1.14.6 or newer to successfully execute the instructions in this guide.

Upbound maintains migration tooling to support customers migrating from either community providers or the monolithic Official Providers to the new family provider architecture.

The tooling further supports the upgrading from one version of an Official Provider to another when there are breaking API changes.

Migrating from community to Official Providers

Upbound’s migration tooling for helping customers transition from community providers to Official Providers is still in development. Please check back or contact an Upbound representative for the latest updates. In the mean time you can follow the manual migration guide below.

Manual migration guide to official providers

This document describes the steps need to migrate from the community providers to Upbound’s Official providers.

For the sake of simplicity, the guide only focuses on migrating managed resources and compositions. You can extend these scenarios with other tools like ArgoCD, Flux, Helm, Kustomize, etc.

Migrating managed resources

Migrate existing managed resources to the official providers through import scenarios. The aim is to switch the community provider’s scheme to the official providers and apply those manifests to import existing cloud resources.

To prevent a conflict between two provider controllers reconciling for the same external resource, the old provider gets scaled down. The pause annotation feature achieves the same goal by pausing the reconciliation of the old provider.

  1. Backup managed resource manifests

    kubectl get managed -o yaml > backup-mrs.yaml
  2. Update deletion policy to Orphan with the command below:

    kubectl patch $(kubectl get managed -o name) -p '{"spec": {"deletionPolicy":"Orphan"}}' --type=merge
  3. Install the Official provider

  4. Install the ProviderConfig

  5. Update managed resource manifests to the new API version upbound.io, external-name annotations and new field names/types. You can use the Upbound Marketplace for comparing CRD schema changes.

    cp backup-mrs.yaml op-mrs.yaml
    vi op-mrs.yaml
  6. Scale down Crossplane deployment

    kubectl scale deploy crossplane --replicas=0
  7. Scale down native provider deployment

    kubectl scale deploy ${deployment_name} --replicas=0
  8. Apply updated managed resources and wait until they become ready

    kubectl apply -f op-mrs.yaml
  9. Delete old MRs

    kubectl delete -f backup-mrs.yaml
    kubectl patch -f backup-mrs.yaml -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
  10. Delete old ProviderConfig

    kubectl delete providerconfigs ${provider_config_name}
  11. Delete old provider

    kubectl delete providers ${provider_name}
  12. Scale up Crossplane deployment

    kubectl scale deploy crossplane --replicas=1
Migrating VPC managed resource

The diff below shows the required changes to migrate a community provider-aws VPC resource to an Official provider-aws VPC. Note the changes to the API version and some field names/types in spec and status sub-resources. To find out which fields to update, compare the CRDs in the current provider version and the target Official provider version.

-   apiVersion: ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1
+   apiVersion: ec2.aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
    kind: VPC
        crossplane.io/external-create-pending: "2022-09-23T12:20:31Z"
        crossplane.io/external-create-succeeded: "2022-09-23T12:20:33Z"
        crossplane.io/external-name: vpc-008f150c8f525bf24
        kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
          {"apiVersion":"ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1","kind":"VPC","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"ezgi-vpc"},"spec":{"deletionPolicy":"Delete","forProvider":{"cidrBlock":"","enableDnsHostNames":true,"enableDnsSupport":true,"instanceTenancy":"default","region":"us-west-2","tags":[{"key":"Name","value":"platformref-vpc"},{"key":"Owner","value":"Platform Team"},{"key":"crossplane-kind","value":"vpc.ec2.aws.crossplane.io"},{"key":"crossplane-name","value":"ezgi-plat-ref-aws-tcg6t-n6zph"},{"key":"crossplane-providerconfig","value":"default"}]},"providerConfigRef":{"name":"default"}}}
      creationTimestamp: "2022-09-23T12:18:21Z"
      - finalizer.managedresource.crossplane.io
      generation: 2
      name: ezgi-vpc
      resourceVersion: "22685"
      uid: 81211d98-57f2-4f2e-a6db-04bb75cc60ff
      deletionPolicy: Delete
-       enableDnsHostNames: true
+       enableDnsHostnames: true
        enableDnsSupport: true
        instanceTenancy: default
        region: us-west-2
-       - key: Name
-         value: platformref-vpc
-       - key: Owner
-         value: Platform Team
-       - key: crossplane-kind
-         value: vpc.ec2.aws.crossplane.io
-       - key: crossplane-name
-         value: ezgi-vpc
-       - key: crossplane-providerconfig
-         value: default
+         Name: platformref-vpc
+         Owner: Platform Team
+         crossplane-kind: vpc.ec2.aws.upbound.io
+         crossplane-name: ezgi-vpc
+         crossplane-providerconfig: default
        name: default

Migrating Crossplane configurations

Along with the managed resource migration, you update the composition and claim files to match the new CRDs. First start to import the existing resources to the Official provider and then update the configuration package version to point to the Official provider.

  1. Backup managed resource manifests

    kubectl get managed -o yaml > backup-mrs.yaml
  2. Scale down Crossplane deployment

    kubectl scale deploy crossplane --replicas=0
  3. Update deletion policy to Orphan with the command below:

    kubectl patch $(kubectl get managed -o name) -p '{"spec": {"deletionPolicy":"Orphan"}}' --type=merge
  4. Update composition files to the new API version upbound.io, external-name annotations and new field names/types. You can use the Upbound Marketplace for comparing CRD schema changes.

  5. Update crossplane.yaml file with official provider dependency.

  6. Build and push the new configuration version

  7. Install the Official provider

  8. Install the ProviderConfig

  9. Update managed resource manifests with the same changes done on composition files

    cp backup-mrs.yaml op-mrs.yaml
    vi op-mrs.yaml
  10. Scale down native provider deployment

    kubectl scale deploy ${deployment_name} --replicas=0
  11. Apply updated managed resources and wait until they become ready

    kubectl apply -f op-mrs.yaml
  12. Delete old MRs

    kubectl delete -f backup-mrs.yaml
    kubectl patch -f backup-mrs.yaml -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
  13. Update the configuration to the new version

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1
    kind: Configuration
      name: ${configuration_name}
      package: ${configuration_registry}/${configuration_repository}:${new_version}
  14. Scale up Crossplane deployment

    kubectl scale deploy crossplane --replicas=1
  15. Delete old ProviderConfig

    kubectl delete providerconfigs ${provider_config_name}
  16. Delete old provider

    kubectl delete providers ${provider_name}
Migrating VPC in a composition

In the below, there is a small code snippet from platform-ref-aws to update VPC resource.

     - base:
-        apiVersion: ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1
+        apiVersion: ec2.aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
         kind: VPC
               region: us-west-2
               enableDnsSupport: true
-              enableDnsHostNames: true
+              enableDnsHostnames: true
-              tags:
-              - key: Owner
-                value: Platform Team
-              - key: Name
-                value: platformref-vpc
+              tags:
+                Owner: Platform Team
+                Name: platformref-vpc
       name: platformref-vcp

The following PRs are examples which show a migration of the existing platform-refs:

Migrating from monolithic to family Official Providers

Two ways exist to migrate from Monolithic providers to Family providers.

Users who will use the Automated method should carefully review the Pre-requisites section of the relevant part.

Manual migration

The Upbound official provider families organize provider resources into common, logical, groupings. Provider families replace the original monolithic providers, which combined all provider resources into a single Provider package.

Migrating from a monolithic provider to a family provider allows the family provider to take ownership of existing managed resources.


Upbound only supports migration from Upbound’s official monolithic providers at present.

Support for migration from Crossplane community providers to Upbound provider families will be available for Upbound customers in the near future.

Backup existing Crossplane resources

Backup the existing Crossplane resources including managed resources, Compositions and Claims.

In case of problems, Crossplane can restore the resources from the YAML files.

This may take over 10 minutes depending on the number of managed resources in the cluster.
kubectl get managed -o yaml > backup-mrs.yaml
kubectl get composite -o yaml > backup-composites.yaml
kubectl get claim --all-namespaces -o yaml > backup-claims.yaml

Update the resource deletion policy

Update the deletion policy on all managed resources to Orphan to prevent Crossplane from deleting the resources.

Find any resources that are already set to Orphan.

kubectl get $(kubectl get managed -o name) -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.deletionPolicy=="Orphan") | "\(.spec.forProvider.tags."crossplane-kind")/\(.spec.forProvider.tags."crossplane-name")"'

Save the names of any returned resources.

Next, set the deletion policy of all managed resources to Orphan.

kubectl patch $(kubectl get managed -o name) -p '{"spec":{"deletionPolicy":"Orphan"}}' --type=merge
These commands may take over 10 minutes depending on the number of managed resources in the cluster.
If you are using the Management Policies beta feature, they may take precedence over the deletionPolicy field. See the Crossplane documentation for details.

Create a list of family provider services

Upbound maintains a migration script that maps all existing managed resources to their family provider packages. This script generates a list of new family providers to install.

  1. Download the script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/upbound/extensions-migration/main/docs/generate-manifests.sh
chmod +x generate-manifests.sh
  1. Run the script to generate a list of provider family packages. The script produces two files, sp-family-manual.yaml for the new family configuration provider and sp-manual.yaml for the required individual family providers.
The script relies on kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster.
Generating manifests from current cluster

The files set the revisionActivationPolicy on each provider to Manual to prevent the providers from competing over the resources.

Install the new family configuration provider

Apply the sp-family-manual.yaml generated by the script to your cluster.

kubectl apply -f sp-family-manual.yaml

Verify the upbound-provider-family-<name> provider is INSTALLED: False and HEALTHY: True.

kubectl get providers
NAME                          INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                               AGE
upbound-provider-aws          True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws:v0.27.0          26m
upbound-provider-family-aws   False       True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-family-aws:v0.36.0   6m56s
Family providers use a single provider-family-<name> Provider to manage ProviderConfig objects across all resource providers in the same family.

Install the family resource providers

Use the sp-manual.yaml file to install the providers for each resource.

kubectl apply -f sp-manual.yaml

Verify the resource providers are INSTALLED: False and HEALTHY: True.

This example only uses a single resource, s3 .
kubectl get providers
NAME                          INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                                AGE
upbound-provider-aws          True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws:v0.27.0           30m
upbound-provider-aws-s3       False       True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3:v0.36.0       5s
upbound-provider-family-aws   False       True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-family-aws:v0.36.0   10m

Remove original Providers as a Configuration dependency

Check for any installed Configurations.

kubectl get configurations.pkg
NAME                       INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                           AGE
upbound-platform-ref-aws   True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/platform-ref-aws:v0.5.0   3h14m
If you don’t have an installed Configuration skip to delete the monolothic provider.

Remove any Configuration dependencies on the original Provider to prevent it from being automatically reinstalled.

kubectl patch configuration.pkg  -p '{"spec":{"skipDependencyResolution": true}}' --type=merge
Remove the Crossplane lock

Edit the Crossplane Lock object and remove the old Provider.

kubectl edit lock lock

Remove the packages array item where type: Configuration and dependencies[0].package is the monolith provider.

apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: Lock
  creationTimestamp: "2023-05-16T14:37:01Z"
    - lock.pkg.crossplane.io
  generation: 99
  name: lock
  resourceVersion: "1969272"
  uid: aa60ed13-ec55-4047-b409-b96beb9fe286
  - dependencies:
      - constraints: '>=v0.31.0'
        package: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-gcp
        type: Provider
    name: ezgid-test-smaller-provider-migration-3a0d5472dd78
    source: index.docker.io/ezgid/test-smaller-provider-migration
    type: Configuration
    version: v0.4.0
  - dependencies: []
    name: upbound-provider-gcp-a206c0fc297b
    source: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-gcp
    type: Provider
    version: v0.32.0

apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: Lock
  creationTimestamp: "2023-05-16T14:37:01Z"
    - lock.pkg.crossplane.io
  generation: 99
  name: lock
  resourceVersion: "1969272"
  uid: aa60ed13-ec55-4047-b409-b96beb9fe286
  - dependencies: []
    name: upbound-provider-gcp-a206c0fc297b
    source: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-gcp
    type: Provider
    version: v0.32.0

Delete the original monolithic provider

Now delete the original monolithic Provider.

kubectl delete provider.pkg 

Edit the family configuration provider revision activation policy

Change the family configuration provider’s revisionActivationPolicy from Manual to Automatic.

sed 's/revisionActivationPolicy: Manual/revisionActivationPolicy: Automatic/' sp-family-manual.yaml > sp-family-automatic.yaml

Apply the updated family configuration provider manifest.

kubectl apply -f sp-family-automatic.yaml

Edit the family resource providers revision activation policies

Change the family resource providers’ revisionActivationPolicy from Manual to Automatic.

sed 's/revisionActivationPolicy: Manual/revisionActivationPolicy: Automatic/' sp-manual.yaml > sp-automatic.yaml

Apply the updated family resource provider manifests.

kubectl apply -f sp-automatic.yaml

Verify the provider and resources

View the status of the updated family providers.

kubectl get managed
NAME                                                   READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                 AGE
bucket.s3.aws.upbound.io/crossplane-bucket-7000278b2   True    True     crossplane-bucket-7000278b2   59s
kubectl get provider.pkg
NAME                          INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                               AGE
upbound-provider-aws          True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3:v0.36.0       4m59s
upbound-provider-family-aws   True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-family-aws:v0.36.0   3m44s

Restore the resource deletion policy

Restore the resource deletion policy to Delete.

This updates the deletion policy of all resources. If you expect any resources to use the Orphan policy, update those individually or manually change the policy to Delete on the other resources.
kubectl patch $(kubectl get managed -o name) -p '{"spec":{"deletionPolicy":"Delete"}}' --type=merge

The cluster is now fully migrated to a family provider.

Automated migration

family-migrator is a tool to automate the migration process from the monolithic to provider family architecture. The tool supports an interactive and non-interactive migration path.


  • kubectl: Before starting the execution phase, please ensure you have the kubectl tool installed. family-migrator uses the kubectl tool in the execution phase, and it assumes availability of this tool locally during the non-interactive run.
  • The user must be on a device with access to the Kubernetes cluster. If the default config file (~/.kube/config) doesn’t refer to the cluster to migrate, the user must set the --kubeconfig flag with the path to the config file that references the correct cluster.
  • The family-migrator tool currently supports a limited scenario. The scenario assumes the following:
    • The cluster contains an installed configuration package. In other words, the cluster has a Configuration.pkg.crossplane.io/v1 resource and one or more monolithic provider.
    • The configuration package and its examples are available on the user’s local file system
    • To user has the required authorization to push the new configuration package image to the registry


  1. Please use the Releases page to download the family-migrator tool. Download the appropriate binary for your operating system (Linux or Darwin/macOS) and architecture (amd64 or arm64). The download is an executable file which might require the necessary file permissions to allow execution.
  2. Move the downloaded binary to /usr/local/bin
  3. Give permission to execute the binary
chmod +x family-migrator_darwin-arm64

In Darwin/macOS, the following error can be shown while trying to run the executable. Please allow this application in the Security Settings by using the Allow Anyway.

Malicious Software Error
Allow Anyway


The family-migrator tool has two sub-commands, generate and execute.

The help output of the family-migrator:

family-migrator help output
  • generate: This command generates the migration plan. After the tool creates the migration plan, it confirms if execution of the created plan should proceed.

  • execute: Used for executing a generated migration plan. You must generate a migration plan first before running this command.

The family-migrator tool needs several inputs for generating and executing the plan. It prompts for all required options when executing the command.

Required inputs

When running the family-migrator generate command, the tool prompts the user with a series of questions to gather the required inputs:

Required inputDescription
Please specify the path for the migration planThe answer represents the output path of the migration plan. Users need to provide a path for generating the plan and patch files. For example, /tmp/generated/migration-plan.yaml
Please provide the registry and organization for the provider family packagesThe format must be <registry host>/<organization>, for example, xpkg.upbound.io/upbound.
Please select the providers that will be migratedThe tool presents user with a list of the monolithic providers they can select to migrate from. The tool supports multiple selections.
Please specify the version of the provider-abc familyProvide the versions of the family provider to migrate to for each selected provider. If you want to migrate to the latest version, refer to the [Upbound Marketplace]. The version format must be v0.y.y
Please enter the URL of the migration source Configuration packageProvide the registry URL of the currently installed Configuration Package. The value appears in the spec.package path of Configuration.pkg.crossplane.io/v1 resource. For example, xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/platform-ref-gcp:v0.3.0
Please enter the URL of the migration target Configuration packageThe tool builds a new configuration package during migration. Specify the registry URL where the migrated built package is uploaded. For example, <registry-host>/<organization>/platform-ref-gcp:v0.3.0-migrated
Please specify the source directory for the Crossplane Configuration packageSpecify the source directory to the location of the configuration package. This directory contains the Configuration.meta.pkg.crossplane.io manifest that contains the provider dependencies, Compositions, and CompositeResourceDefinitions. For example: /Users/user/workspace/platform-ref-gcp/package Example configuration package: https://github.com/upbound/platform-ref-gcp/tree/main/apis.
Please specify the path to the directory containing the Crossplane package examplesSpecify the directory to the location of the configuration package examples. This directory may contain Claims, and Configuration.pkg.crossplane.io resource. For example: /Users/user/workspace/platform-ref-gcp/examples Example configuration examples: https://github.com/upbound/platform-ref-gcp/tree/main/examples.

After the tool collects all the inputs it needs, it generates and exports the migration plan to the specified path. It then asks whether to continue to execute the created plan.

Generating the plan may take some time, depending on the number of providers and CRDs in your cluster. Please do not stop the process until it completes. After generation, the tool shows a message that the plan has been generated.

Review generated plan, manifests, and patch files

After moving on to the execution phase, confirm the review of the generated plan and manifests. After confirmation, you have the option to list the execution instructions.

The purpose of this intermediary step is to allow for manual verification to ensure no unexpected steps are introduced in the plan. While the review process is optional and does not directly affect the transition to the execution phase, it is strongly recommended to complete the review process.


Having collected the required inputs, generated the migration plan, and reviewed the plan, the execution phase can now proceed.

The tool has two modes for execution:

Do you want to execute the migration plan with step-by-step confirmation or no interaction

  • Step-by-Step (Interactive): In this option, the tool executes each step individually, providing context and asking for confirmation.
  • No Interaction: In this option, the tool executes all steps without any interaction.
Step-by-Step (interactive) execution

With the interactive execution mode, for each step, there are three options:

? Step (with name "backup-managed-resources" at index 0) to execute:
sh -c "kubectl get managed -o yaml > backup/managed-resources.yaml"
What is your execution preference?
  • Automatically: The step gets executed and the output shown.
  • Manually: The step needs to be manually executed by the user.
  • Skip: No execution takes place. Be careful since you can’t return to a skipped step.
Steps to backup the resources may take a long time, depending on the number of resources, installed providers, and CRDs in the cluster.
Non-Interactive execution

In this mode execution of the migration plan proceeds without user interaction.

You can verify the correct completion of the migration by checking the status of the cluster. Use the following commands to confirm the cluster status:

  • kubectl get providers.pkg.crossplane.io: The family providers should show instead of monolithic ones.
  • kubectl get pods -n upbound-system: The family provider pods should show in the upbound-system namespace.
  • kubectl get configurations.pkg.crossplane.io: The newly built configuration package appears in the spec.package path. The family provider references appear in the spec.dependsOn path of Configuration.meta.pkg.crossplane.io (by default crossplane.yaml) manifest. This manifest is in the source package directory on the file system.