Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) is the Upbound official enterprise-grade distribution of Crossplane for self-hosted control planes.
Install UXP into an existing Kubernetes cluster to access Upbound features like official providers or community Crossplane features.
Install Upbound Universal Crossplane
Installing UXP requires the Up command-line.
Use the up uxp install
command to install UXP into the current Kubernetes cluster based on ~/.kube/config
up uxp install
Up installs the latest stable UXP release into the upbound-system
Install a specific Upbound Universal Crossplane version
Install a specific version of UXP with up uxp install <version>
The list of available versions is in the charts.upbound.io/stable listing.
name when using up uxp install <version>
For example, up uxp install 1.8.1-up.1
Install Upbound Universal Crossplane in a custom namespace
Install UXP into a specific namespace using the -n <NAMESPACE>
For example, to install UXP into the upbound-test
namespace use the command
up uxp install -n upbound-test
Install unreleased Upbound Universal Crossplane versions
Install unreleased versions of UXP for testing or troubleshooting. Don’t install unreleased versions for production use without explicit guidance from Upbound.
Find available unreleased releases in the charts.upbound.io/main listing.
Install the latest unreleased version with the --unstable
up uxp install --unstable
Install a specific release with up uxp install --unstable <version>
name when using up uxp install --unstable <version>
For example, up uxp install --unstable 1.9.0-up.1.rc.1.6.g3b4985a
Customize install options
Change default install settings via the command-line with --set <key>=<value>
or a settings file with -f <file>
Provide file-based configurations as a Helm values file.
For example to configure two Crossplane pod replicas with --set
up uxp install --set replicas=2
or with a file:
cat settings.yaml
replicas: 2
up uxp install -f settings.yaml
View the upbound-system
pods to see two Crossplane pods deployed.
kubectl get pods -n upbound-system
crossplane-75556d97b6-gpzq7 1/1 Running 0 4m23s
crossplane-75556d97b6-xm8bj 1/1 Running 0 4m23s
crossplane-rbac-manager-8f5c76d46-kvmpm 1/1 Running 0 4m23s
provider-aws-a1113cd136a1-59b8587f6f-q8bpt 1/1 Running 0 4h55m
Configure Upbound Universal Crossplane installed from the Amazon EKS management console
If you have installed uxp
directly from the Amazon EKS management console, you need to grant crossplane
and any provider
cluster level roles.
Upbound tailored the uxp
installation to fit AWS requirements and Upbound removes the crossplane-rbac-manager
from the installation.
To install and use any provider, you must to configure uxp
by granting cluster scope permissions to the crossplane
pod and provider
These steps are necessary only for the installations without
First grant crossplane
a cluster-admin role.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-crossplane-admin \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--serviceaccount upbound-system:crossplane
Next, for each installed provider, add cluster-admin role binding. An example for provider AWS
# Retrieve provider sa name
provider_aws=$(kubectl get sa -n upbound-system \
| grep provider-aws \
| awk '{print $1}')
# Grant cluster-admin role
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-provider-aws-admin \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--serviceaccount upbound-system:"$provider_aws"
Restart crossplane
and provider aws
pods for the changes to take effect
AWS_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n upbound-system | grep provider-aws | awk '{print $1}') && \
kubectl delete pod -n upbound-system $AWS_POD
CROSSPLANE_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n upbound-system | grep crossplane | awk '{print $1}') && \
kubectl delete pod -n upbound-system $CROSSPLANE_POD
Parameter | Description | Default |
affinity | Enable and define the affinity for the crossplane pod. | {} - Affinities aren’t configured. |
configuration.packages | The list of configuration packages to install together with UXP. These packages install UXP resources after the crossplane pod starts. | {} - Configurations aren’t installed by default. |
customAnnotations | Custom annotations to add to the crossplane deployment and pod. | {} - Annotations aren’t configured. |
customLabels | Custom labels to add to the crossplane and crossplane-rbac-manager deployments and pods. Overwriting default labels isn’t supported and causes the install to fail. | {app=crossplane, app.kubernetes.io/component=cloud-infrastructure-controller, app.kubernetes.io/instance=universal-crossplane, app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm, app.kubernetes.io/name=crossplane, app.kubernetes.io/part-of=crossplane, app.kubernetes.io/version=<crossplane version>, helm.sh/chart=<crossplane version>, release=universal-crossplane} |
deploymentStrategy | The deployment strategy for the crossplane and crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | RollingUpdate |
extraEnvVarsCrossplane | List of extra environment variables to set in the crossplane deployment. A _ replaces any . character in a variable name. For example SAMPLE.KEY=value1 becomes SAMPLE\_KEY=value1 . | {POD_NAMESPACE:(v1:metadata.namespace),olala:olala,LEADER_ELECTION:true} |
extraEnvVarsRBACManager | List of extra environment variables to set in the crossplane-rbac-manager deployment. A _ replaces any . character in a variable name. For example SAMPLE.KEY=value1 becomes SAMPLE\_KEY=value1 . | {LEADER_ELECTION:true} |
image.pullPolicy | Kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
image.repository | Container image repository to download UXP from. | The DockerHub repository upbound/crossplane . |
image.tag | Image tag to install a specific Crossplane version. Provides the same function as up uxp install <image.tag> . | "" - Without an image tag Up installs the latest UXP version. |
imagePullSecrets | List of Kubernetes image pull secrets. Required if image.repository uses authentication. | "" - Secrets aren’t configured. |
leaderElection | Enable leader election for the crossplane deployment and pods. Set leaderElection as true for any deployment with more than 1 replica to prevent race-conditions. | true |
metrics.enabled | Exposes port 8080 in the crossplane and crossplane-rbac-manager pods. Configures pod annotations prometheus.io/path:/metrics , prometheus.io/port:"8080" and prometheus.io/scrape:"true" . | false |
nodeSelector | Apply a nodeSelector map to the crossplane pod. | {} - Node selectors aren’t configured. |
packageCache.medium | The Kubernetes emptyDir Volume type for the crossplane pod’s package cache. The only valid value is "memory" . Not supported with packageCache.pvc . | "" - Kubernetes pod default of local node storage. |
packageCache.pvc | A PersistentVolumeClaim for the crossplane pod’s package cache. packageCache.pvc is an alternative to the default emptyDir volume mount. Not supported with packageCache.medium or packageCache.sizeLimit . | "" - emptyDir is the default mounted pod volume. |
packageCache.sizeLimit | The size limit for the crossplane pod’s emptyDir package cache. Not supported with pacakgeCache.pvc . | 5Mi |
priorityClassName | Applies a priority class name to the crossplane and crossplane-rbac-manager deployments and pods. | "" - A priority class isn’t set. |
provider.packages | The list of provider packages to install together with UXP. These packages install UXP resources after the crossplane pod starts. | [] - Providers aren’t installed by default. |
rbacManager.affinity | Enable and define the affinity for the crossplane pod. | {} - Affinities aren’t configured. |
rbacManager.deploy | Deploy RBAC Manager and its required roles. | true |
rbacManager.leaderElection | Enable leader election for the crossplane-rbac-manager deployment and pods. Set leaderElection as true for any deployment with more than 1 replica to prevent race-conditions. | true |
rbacManager.managementPolicy | The scope of crossplane-rbac-manager permissions control. A value of all all Crossplane controller and user roles. basic only manages Crossplane controller roles and the crossplane-admin , crossplane-edit , and crossplane-view user roles. | all |
rbacManager.nodeSelector | Apply a nodeSelector map to the crossplane pod. | {} - Node selectors aren’t configured. |
rbacManager.replicas | The number of crossplane-rbac-manager replicas. | 1 |
rbacManager.skipAggregatedClusterRoles | Skip the deployment of ClusterRoles along with the crossplane-rbac-manager . Set to true to manually build Crossplane ClusterRoles. | false |
rbacManager.tolerations | Enable tolerations for the crossplane-rbac-manager pod. | {} - Tolerations aren’t configured. |
registryCaBundleConfig.key | Use a custom CA certification for downloading images and configurations. The value of the configMap key. Use with registryCaBundleConfig.name | {} - Crossplane uses the default system certificates. |
registryCaBundleConfig.name | Use a custom CA certification for downloading images and configurations. The value of the configMap name. Use with registryCaBundleConfig.key | {} - Crossplane uses the default system certificates. |
replicas | The number of crossplane-rbac-manager replicas. | 1 |
resourcesCrossplane.limits.cpu | CPU resource limits for the crossplane pods. | 100m |
resourcesCrossplane.limits.memory | Memory resource limits for the crossplane pods. | 512Mi |
resourcesCrossplane.requests.cpu | CPU resource requests for the crossplane pods. | 100m |
resourcesCrossplane.requests.memory | Memory resource requests for the crossplane pods. | 256Mi |
resourcesRBACManager.limits.cpu | CPU resource limits for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 100m |
resourcesRBACManager.limits.memory | Memory resource limits for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 512Mi |
resourcesRBACManager.requests.cpu | CPU resource requests for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 100m |
resourcesRBACManager.requests.memory | Memory resource requests for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 256Mi |
securityContextCrossplane.allowPrivilegeEscalation | Allow privilege escalation the crossplane pods. | false |
securityContextCrossplane.readOnlyRootFilesystem | Set a ReadOnly root file system for the crossplane pods. | true |
securityContextCrossplane.runAsGroup | Set the Run as group for the crossplane pods. | 65532 |
securityContextCrossplane.runAsUser | Set the Run as user the crossplane pods. | 65532 |
securityContextRBACManager.allowPrivilegeEscalation | Allow privilege escalation the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | false |
securityContextRBACManager.readOnlyRootFilesystem | Set a ReadOnly root file system for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | true |
securityContextRBACManager.runAsGroup | Set the Run as group for the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 65532 |
securityContextRBACManager.runAsUser | Set the Run as user the crossplane-rbac-manager pods. | 65532 |
serviceAccount.customAnnotations | Custom annotations for the crossplane serviceaccount | {meta.helm.sh/release-name: universal-crossplane, meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: upbound-system} |
tolerations | Enable tolerations for the crossplane pod. | {} - Tolerations aren’t configured. |
webhooks.enabled | Create a service and expose TCP port 9443 to support webhooks for all Crossplane created pods. | false |