
This feature is in preview, requires Spaces v1.3.0, and is off by default. To enable, set features.alpha.observability.enabled=true when installing Spaces:

up space init --token-file="${SPACES_TOKEN_PATH}" "v${SPACES_VERSION}" \
  --set "features.alpha.observability.enabled=true" \

Upbound offers a built-in feature to help you collect and export logs, metrics, and traces for everything running in a Space. Upbound provides an integrated observability pipeline built on the OpenTelemetry project.

The pipeline deploys OpenTelemetry Collectors to collect, process, and expose telemetry data in Spaces. Upbound deploys a central collector at the Space-level and collectors per control plane. Control plane collectors pass their telemetry data to the Spaces collector by default.


When you install a Space, you can configure the pipeline and related options. You can configure:

  • which exporter is used
  • an API Key to enable a Space to write to the designated exporter.
  • whether metrics and/or traces route to the desired exporter.

For information about which exporters are available, consult the OpenTelemetry Collector exporter docs.

This feature requires the OpenTelemetry Operator to be installed on the Space cluster. Install this now if you haven’t already:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator/releases/download/v0.96.0/opentelemetry-operator.yaml

The examples below document how to configure observability with the up CLI or Helm installations.

up space init --token-file="${SPACES_TOKEN_PATH}" "v${SPACES_VERSION}" \
  --set "account=${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}" \
  --set "features.alpha.observability.enabled=true" \
  --set "observability.config.exporters.otlphttp.endpoint=${NEWRELIC_ENDPOINT}" \
  --set "observability.config.exporters.otlphttp.headers.api-key=${NEWRELIC_API_KEY}" \
  --set "observability.config.exportPipeline.metrics={debug,otlphttp}" \
  --set "observability.config.exportPipeline.traces={debug,otlphttp}"
helm -n upbound-system upgrade --install spaces \
  oci://us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/orchestration-build/upbound-environments/spaces \
  --version "${SPACES_VERSION}" \
  --set "ingress.host=${SPACES_ROUTER_HOST}" \
  --set "clusterType=${SPACES_CLUSTER_TYPE}" \
  --set "account=${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}" \
  --set "features.alpha.observability.enabled=true" \
  --set "observability.config.exporters.otlphttp.endpoint=${NEWRELIC_ENDPOINT}" \
  --set "observability.config.exporters.otlphttp.headers.api-key=${NEWRELIC_API_KEY}" \
  --set "observability.config.exportPipeline.metrics={debug,otlphttp}" \
  --set "observability.config.exportPipeline.traces={debug,otlphttp}" \
In Spaces v1.3, you must configure Space-level observability when you first install a Space. In future releases, Upbound will allow backend exports per control plane group or per individual control planes.