Spaces v1.9.1

What’s Changed

Due to a technical glitch there was no 1.9.0 release image, and the first one available in the 1.9.x series is 1.9.1.
Starting with Spaces 1.9.x, Spaces with an Argo CD Gitops integration must update their Argo CD ConfigMap to include resource.respectRBAC: normal instead of explicit resource.exclusions. Please check Configure Argo CD section for instructions and details.

Features and Enhancements

  • Added optional insecure mode for all Spaces endpoints to allow finer grain control around mTLS policies.
  • Added class dimension to all control plane metrics.
  • Added new alpha feature, Space Backup, to allow backing up and restoring a Space in case of DR.
  • Added a configuration option for enabling Control Plane Crossplane dependency version upgrades.
  • Bumped latest supported Crossplane minor version to v1.18.
  • External-secrets operator Helm chart is bumped to version 0.10.4.

Fixed Bugs

  • Added the controlPlanes.syncer.extraSyncLabels spaces Helm chart parameter so that any extra labels that you specify with a DeploymentRuntimeConfig for a Crossplane provider/function can be configured to properly sync in the host cluster for the ControlPlane. You may need this for certain workload identity-based authentication schemes for authenticating Crossplane provider/function workloads.
  • Drop controlPlanes.uxp.repository from values, always use registry.
  • Fixed Query API failing to define necessary custom functions due to inconsistent ordering.
  • Fixed a race when restarting spaces-controller admission webhooks fail with a certificate error.
  • Fixed control plane and namespace listing on the ingress if additional non-RBAC authorization is configured on the host Kubernetes.
  • Fixed the Spaces API endpoint for namespace to make kubectl get namespaces work.
  • Fixed an issue where SharedTelemetryConfig would endlessly reconcile.
  • Fixed an issue with SharedTelemetryConfig datadog exporter failing with 413 error code.
  • Move to domain-qualified finalizer for control plane provisioner reconciler, while dropping old ones allowing ControlPlanes deletion after Spaces upgrade.
  • Respect disabled features for discovery, avoiding unnecessary noise when using kubectl.