Spaces v1.11.2
Release Date: 2025-03-12
What’s Changed
- fix(apollo): typos and count column handling on relationships.
- fix(eso): disable conversion webhook as service is unreachable.
Release Date: 2025-03-12
Release Date: 2025-02-13
Release Date: 2025-02-04
Warning - Action Required
If you are running Spaces with observability enabled; ensure the host cluster’s opentelemetry-operator
is updated to
v0.110.0 or later to maintain compatibility with new Collector flags.
This release enhances backup/restore workflows and telemetry customization, while addressing critical stability issues. Key highlights include:
flag via Space Backup API.--controlplanes
flag to the SpaceBackup restore command that allows specifying the control planes to be restored.spec.configPatchSecretRefs
would be modified.Release Date: 2025-03-12
Release Date: 2025-02-13
Release Date: 2025-02-13
Release Date: 2025-01-13
Release Date: 2025-01-07
Warning - Breaking changes
Please be aware of the following changes:
authenticator at spaces-router
has been removed and it can no longer authenticate requests from a client certificate it finds in the Ssl-Client-Cert
HTTP request header. spaces-router
now requires SSL-passthrough to be enabled for the ingress-nginx controller if:
installation is still using the Ingress API (this is still the default although we now support the Gateway API) and,spaces-router
is running in secure mode (the default) and,authentication.hubIdentities
Spaces Helm chart parameter (the default) and,You can enable the SSL-passthrough mode for the ingress-nginx controller by passing the --enable-ssl-passthrough=true
command-line option to it. Please also see the official self-hosted Spaces deployment guides.
If you are using the Gateway API with Spaces and your chosen Gateway API implementation is Envoy Gateway, please note that the short name ctp
now belongs to the
custom resources. If you have any scripts that use this short name for
, you will need to update them to use the long name controlplane
if you are using Envoy Gateway.
Query API:
pod’s port 8443 only from the ingress-nginx
controller pod or the connect agent pod. The namespace and the pod labels of the ingress-nginx
controller can be specified using the ingress.namespaceLabels
and the ingress.podLabels
Helm chart parameters, respectively. The pod labels for the connect agent can be specified using the connect.agent.podLabels
Helm chart parameter.Other:
Helm parameter.Release Date: 2025-03-12
Release Date: 2025-02-13
Release Date: 2025-02-13
Release Date: 2024-12-09
requests when hub RBAC is enabled via the authorization.hubRBAC
Helm parameterApollo
due to password resetsApollo
syncers in case of transient errors8443
only from the ingress-nginx controller pod or the connect agent pod. The namespace and the pod labels of the ingress-nginx controller can be specified using the ingress.namespaceLabels
and the ingress.podLabels
Helm chart parameters, respectively. The pod labels for the connect agent can be specified using the connect.agent.podLabels Helm chart parameterControlPlane
s now expose the time at which they first became Available
at .status.firstAvailableAt
now will only skip just created controlplanes instead of the ones not readyRelease Date: 2024-11-14
Release Date: 2024-11-12
Release Date: 2024-11-08
Release Date: 2024-11-07
resource.respectRBAC: normal
instead of explicit resource.exclusions
. Please check Configure Argo CD section for instructions and details.controlPlanes.syncer.extraSyncLabels
spaces Helm chart parameter so that any extra labels that you specify
with a DeploymentRuntimeConfig
for a Crossplane provider/function can be configured to properly sync in the host
cluster for the ControlPlane. You may need this for certain workload identity-based authentication schemes for
authenticating Crossplane provider/function workloads.controlPlanes.uxp.repository
from values, always use registry.kubectl get namespaces
work.Release Date: 2024-10-08
Please be aware of the following changes:
originating from the host cluster (i.e. any host cluster
identity) are all now prefixed with upbound:spaces:host:
when that identity is used within a control plane. In
Spaces v1.7 and below, no such prefix was added to groups from host cluster client certificates and tokens, so any
RBAC rules within a control plane that refers to a user group from a host cluster identity need to be updated to add
that prefix.MCPs:
Query API:
Helm parameter was added to help configure workload identities
for shared secrets on EKS, AKS & GKE clusters.controlPlanes.sharedSecrets.serviceAccount.customAnnotations
Helm parameters was added to help configure workload identities
for shared secrets on EKS, AKS & GKE
userinfo extra in structured auth config for OIDC.Backup & restore:
for Backups
using Secrets
for credentials will now be respected.Shared Secrets:
Release Date: 2024-09-13
Release Date: 2024-09-12
Release Date: 2024-09-02
OCI Artifact Support in Upbound Registry: We are excited to announce that the Spaces Helm Chart and images are now
shipped as OCI artifacts by default, hosted in the Upbound central registry. You can access these at
Important: To pull the Helm Chart and images from the new OCI location, you will need to obtain a new pull token from your Upbound account representative.
To update your pull secret, follow these steps:
kubectl delete -n upbound-system upbound-pull-secret
kubectl -n upbound-system create secret docker-registry upbound-pull-secret \
--docker-server= \
--docker-username="$(jq -r .accessId $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH)" \
--docker-password="$(jq -r .token $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH)"
Start the Helm-Chart upgrade:
jq -r .token $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH | helm registry login -u $(jq -r .accessId $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH) --password-stdin
helm -n upbound-system upgrade --install spaces \
oci:// \
--version "${SPACES_VERSION}" \
--set "clusterType=${SPACES_CLUSTER_TYPE}" \
--set "account=${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}" \
--set "authentication.hubIdentities=true" \
--set "authorization.hubRBAC=true"
Helm Repository Deprecation: This release marks the final time the Spaces Helm Chart will be published to the Upbound Helm repository. All users are encouraged to migrate to the new OCI artifact format to ensure uninterrupted access to future updates.
If you need additional time to prepare for this transition, you can still use the old registry with this release. To do so, you must explicitly set the registry:
helm -n upbound-system upgrade --install spaces \
oci:// \
--version "${SPACES_VERSION}" \
--set "" \
--set "clusterType=${SPACES_CLUSTER_TYPE}" \
--set "account=${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}" \
--set "authentication.hubIdentities=true" \
--set "authorization.hubRBAC=true"
Note: This will be the last version that supports the old registry. We will discontinue publishing updates to it after Spaces 1.8.0.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach out to your Upbound account representative.
Simplified Installation Requirements: This release simplifies the installation process for the Spaces Helm Chart. You no longer need to have Crossplane installed with the provider-helm and provider-kubernetes on your HostCluster. If you were only using this Crossplane setup for Spaces, you can safely remove the remaining artifacts by running the following commands:
kubectl delete space-hub
kubectl patch space-hub --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
Once these steps are completed, you may proceed to uninstall Crossplane, provider-kubernetes, and provider-helm according to your original installation method.
Note: The upbound-system
namespace must not be removed, as it is still required for Spaces operations.
resources and can get secrets.cleanuppolicies
, clustercleanuppolicies
, policyexceptions
.Release Date: 2024-08-14
Release Date: 2024-08-06
ControlPlane field has been removed. It’s no longer supported.spec.crossplane.state
field.Release Date: 2024-07-01
in the
namespace. Whenever a new security or fix release is published, the ConfigMap will be updated. You
can disable this feature with controller.crossplane.versionsController.enabled.false
when running in disconnected
self-hosted Spaces.Release Date: 2024-06-26
.Release Date: 2024-06-20
up migration import
to work against a Spaces MCP.Release Date: 2024-06-07
API type represents these Upbound RBAC role bindings in the Space locally.v1.3.0
. Observability is now also available
at the Space level, which lets users observe Spaces machinery. To enable this feature, set the
flag to true
when installing Spaces.v0.14.0
and provider-helm to v0.19.0
.Release Date: 2024-05-07
Release Date: 2024-04-30
Release Date: 2024-03-13
kubectl logs
command against the control plane API.Release Date: 2024-03-01
Release Date: 2024-03-01
.Release Date: 2024-02-08
resources having a benign
is deleted.Release Date: 2024-02-01
control plane groups
within a Space. Technically, all kind: controlplane
resources are now namespace-scoped objects (as opposed to previously being cluster-scoped).rapid
, stable
, patch
, and none
), giving users control over
what pace their control plane’s Crossplane version automatically upgrades to. None
gives users total control over
when to upgrade the Crossplane version in a control plane.SharedSecrets
and SharedSecretStores
within a control plane group to selectively provision secrets from an external store–such as Vault–into the control
planes in the group.up
CLI commands to migrate open soure Crossplane or UXP instances into a control plane in a Space.Release Date: 2023-10-10
to v.1.13.2-up.2
for all control planes.up
CLI commands to interact with control planes in a Space.Release Date: 2023-08-31
Release Date: 2023-08-28