Migrating to managed control planes
This feature is in preview.

The Upbound migration tool is a CLI command that helps you migrate your existing Crossplane control plane to a managed control plane in Upbound.

To migrate from Crossplane to Upbound, you must:

  1. Export your existing Crossplane control plane configuration/state into an archive file.
  2. Import the archive file into a managed control plane running in Upbound.

The migration tool is available in the up CLI as up alpha migration export and up alpha migration import commands.


Before you begin, you must have the following:

  • The up CLI version 0.23.0 or later.

Migration process

To migrate an existing Crossplane control plane to a managed control plane in Upbound, do the following:

  1. Run the up alpha migration export command to export your existing Crossplane control plane configuration/state into an archive file:

    up alpha migration export --kubeconfig <path-to-source-kubeconfig> --out <path-to-archive-file>

    The command exports your existing Crossplane control plane configuration/state into an archive file.


    By default, the export command doesn’t make any changes to your existing Crossplane control plane state, leaving it intact. Use the --pause-before-export flag to pause the reconciliation on managed resources before exporting the archive file.

    This is a safety mechanism to help ensure the control plane you migrate state to doesn’t assume ownership of resources before you’re ready.

  2. Use the control plane create command to create a managed control plane in Upbound:

    up controlplane create my-controlplane
  3. Use up ctx to connect to the managed control plane created in the previous step:

    up ctx "<your-org>/<your-space>/<your-group>/my-controlplane"

    The command configures your local kubeconfig to connect to the managed control plane.

  4. Run the following command to import the archive file into the managed control plane:

    up alpha migration import --in <path-to-archive-file>
    By default, the import command leaves the control plane in an inactive state by pausing the reconciliation on managed resources which gives you an opportunity to review the imported configuration/state before activating the control plane. Use the --unpause-after-import flag to change the default behavior and activate the control plane immediately after importing the archive file.
  5. Review and validate the imported configuration/state. When you are ready, activate your managed control plane by running the following command:

    kubectl annotate managed --all crossplane.io/paused-

    At this point, you can delete the source Crossplane control plane.