Creating Content

The Upbound documentation lives in the Upbound docs GitHub repository.

Local development

Clone the documentation and use Hugo to build the Crossplane documentation site locally for development and testing.

Clone the docs repository

Clone the Upbound docs repository with

git clone

Download Hugo

Download Hugo, the static site generator Upbound docs uses.

Download the hugo_extended version. The standard Hugo package doesn’t support the Crossplane docs CSS.

Extract and run Hugo with hugo server.

Hugo builds the website and launch a local web server on http://localhost:1313.

Any changes made are instantly reflected on the local web server. You don’t need to restart Hugo.

Adding new content

New sections

To create a new section create a new directory inside /content. Create an file to act as the main page for that section.

For example, the file /content/contribute/ is the page at http://localhost:1313/contribute

All new pages require front matter.

New pages

Create a new .md file under an existing directory inside /content to add a page to an existing section. The filename is the URL of the new page.

For example, a the file /content/contribute/ is the page at http://localhost:1313/contribute/create-content

All new pages require front matter.

Front matter

Each page contains YAML metadata called front matter. Each page requires front matter to render.

title: "A New Page"
weight: 610
description: "This is a page that describes stuff"

title defines the name of the page. weight determines the ordering of the page in the table of contents. Lower weight pages come before higher weights in the table of contents. description is a brief description of the page. The description is for docs search and external search engines.

Adding icons to sections

New sections require an icon for the navigation menu. Upbound docs use Font Awesome icons.

Copy the viewBox and path data from the new icon and add it to a symbol entry in the themes/upbound/layouts/partials/icons/sprites.html file. The id for the symbol is the name used to reference the icon.

For example,

<symbol id="icon-name-here" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
    <path d="..."/>
Don’t change the viewBox values from the SVG file.


Use standard markdown for headings (#). The top level heading, a single hash (#) is for the page title. All content headings should be two hashes (##) or more.

Hiding pages

To hide a page from the left-hand navigation use tocHidden: true in the front matter of the page. The docs website skips pages with tocHidden:true when building the menu.

For example,

title: "A New Page"
weight: 610
description: "This is a page that describes stuff"
tocHidden: true

The docs support standard Markdown links but Upbound prefers link shortcodes for links between docs pages. Using shortcodes prevents incorrect link creation and notifies which links to change after moving a page.

Between docs pages

For links between pages use a standard Markdown link in the form:

[Link text](link)

Use the Hugo ref shortcode with the path of the file relative to /content for the link location.

For example, to link to the contribute release index page use

[Docs contributing guide]({{< ref "contribute/" >}})

The ref value is of the markdown file, including .md extension.

If the ref value points to a page that doesn’t exist, Hugo fails to start.

Linking to external sites

When linking to any page outside of use standard markdown link syntax without using the ref shortcode.

For example,

[Go to Crossplane](