A dependency can be a provider, function or a configuration that you want to
install to your control plane project. When you install a dependency, the Upbound CLI unpacks and references the
dependency automatically in your upbound.yaml
project file.
First, open the upbound.yaml
project file in your editor.
apiVersion: meta.dev.upbound.io/v1alpha1
kind: Project
name: platform-api
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-auto-ready
version: '>=v0.0.0'
description: This is where you can describe your project.
license: Apache-2.0
maintainer: Upbound User <user@example.com>
readme: |
This is where you can add a readme for your project.
repository: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/platform-api
source: github.com/upbound/project-template
The spec.dependsOn
field lists your control plane project dependencies.
When you initialize your control plane project, the auto-ready function is
included by default.
Add a provider
Use the up dependency add command to install a provider to your Upbound project.
up dependency add xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3:v1.16.0
In your upbound.yaml
file, the provider you just installed is automatically captured in the spec.dependsOn
apiVersion: meta.dev.upbound.io/v1alpha1
kind: Project
name: <projectName>
- provider: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3
version: v1.16.0
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-auto-ready
version: '>=v0.0.0'
description: This is where you can describe your project.
license: Apache-2.0
maintainer: Upbound User <user@example.com>
readme: |
This is where you can add a readme for your project.
repository: xpkg.upbound.io/<userOrg>/<userProject>
Add a function
Use the up dependency add to install a function dependency to your project.
up dependency add xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-status-transformer:v0.4.0
In your upbound.yaml
file, the function you just installed is automatically captured in the spec.dependsOn
apiVersion: meta.dev.upbound.io/v1alpha1
kind: Project
name: <projectName>
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-auto-ready
version: '>=v0.0.0'
- provider: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3
version: v1.16.0
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-status-transformer
version: v0.4.0
description: This is where you can describe your project.
license: Apache-2.0
maintainer: Upbound User <user@example.com>
readme: |
This is where you can add a readme for your project.
repository: xpkg.upbound.io/<userOrg>/<userProject>
Adding a configuration
Use the up dependency add command to install configurations into your Upbound project.
up dependency add xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/platform-ref-aws:v1.2.0
In your upbound.yaml
file, the configuration you just installed is automatically captured in the spec.dependsOn
apiVersion: meta.dev.upbound.io/v1alpha1
kind: Project
name: <projectName>
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-auto-ready
version: '>=v0.0.0'
- provider: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws-s3
version: v1.16.0
- function: xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/function-status-transformer
version: v0.4.0
- configuration: xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/platform-ref-aws
version: v1.2.0
description: This is where you can describe your project.
license: Apache-2.0
maintainer: Upbound User <user@example.com>
readme: |
This is where you can add a readme for your project.
repository: xpkg.upbound.io/<userOrg>/<userProject>
Manage dependency versions
You can manage dependencies in your control plane projects in two ways:
- In your
file, you can update the versions of your dependencies, and then run the up dependency update-cache command.
- You can rerun the up dependency add command with the new version provided for a specific dependency. This updates the dependency cache automatically.
To wipe the dependency cache, run the up dependency clean-cache command.
Next steps
After adding dependencies to your control plane projects, learn how to create an API in the next guide: Authoring a Composition Resource Definition (XRD)