Query API setup

This feature is in preview. The Query API is available in the Cloud Space offering in v1.6 and enabled by default.

This is a requirement to be able to connect a Space since v1.8.0, and is off by default, see below to enable it.

Upbound’s Query API allows users to inspect objects and resources within their control planes. The read-only up alpha query and up alpha get CLI commands allow you to gather information on your control planes in a fast and efficient package. These commands follow the kubectl conventions for filtering, sorting, and retrieving information from your Space.

Query API requires a PostgreSQL database to store the data. You can use the default PostgreSQL instance provided by Upbound or bring your own PostgreSQL instance.

Managed setup

If you don’t have specific requirements for your setup, Upbound recommends following this approach.

To enable this feature, set features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true and features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=true when installing Spaces.

However, you need to install CloudNativePG (CNPG) to provide the PostgreSQL instance. You can let the up CLI do this for you, or install it manually.

For more customization, see the Helm chart reference. You can modify the number of PostgreSQL instances, pooling instances, storage size, and more.

If you have specific requirements not addressed in the Helm chart, see below for more information on how to bring your own PostgreSQL setup.

Using the up CLI

Before you begin, make sure you have the most recent version of the up CLI installed.

To enable this feature, set features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true and features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=true when installing Spaces:

up space init --token-file="${SPACES_TOKEN_PATH}" "v${SPACES_VERSION}" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=true"

up space init and up space upgrade install CloudNativePG automatically, if needed.

Helm chart

If you are installing the Helm chart in some other way, you can manually install CloudNativePG in one of the supported ways, for example:

kubectl apply --server-side -f \
kubectl rollout status -n cnpg-system deployment cnpg-controller-manager -w --timeout 120s

Next, install the Spaces Helm chart with the necessary values, for example:

helm -n upbound-system upgrade --install spaces \
  oci://xpkg.upbound.io/spaces-artifacts/spaces \
  --version "${SPACES_VERSION}" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=true" \

Self-hosted PostgreSQL configuration

If your workflow requires more customization, you can provide your own PostgreSQL instance and configure credentials manually.

Using your own PostgreSQL instance requires careful architecture consideration. Review the architecture and requirements guidelines.


The Query API architecture uses three components, other than a PostgreSQL database:

  • Apollo Syncers: Watching ETCD for changes and syncing them to PostgreSQL. One, or more, per control plane.
  • Apollo Server: Serving the Query API out of the data in PostgreSQL. One, or more, per Space.
  • Spaces Controller: Reconciling the PostgreSQL schema as needed for the other two components. One, or more, per Space.

The default setup also uses the PgBouncer connection pooler to manage connections from the syncers.

Query API architecture diagram

Each component needs to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

In the event of database issues, you can provide a new database and the syncers automatically repopulate the data.


  • A PostgreSQL 16 instance or cluster.
  • A database, for example named upbound.
  • A dedicated user for the Spaces Controller, with all privileges on the database, for example named spaces-controller.
  • Optional: A dedicated user for the Apollo Syncers, otherwise the Spaces Controller generates a dedicated set of credentials per syncer with the necessary permissions, for example named syncer.
  • Optional: A dedicated read-only user for the Apollo Server, otherwise the Spaces Controller generates a dedicated set of credentials with the necessary permissions, for example named apollo.
  • Optional: A connection pooler, like PgBouncer, to manage connections from the Apollo Syncers. If you didn’t provide the optional users, you might have to configure the pooler to allow users to connect using the same credentials as PostgreSQL.
  • Optional: A read replica for the Apollo Syncers to connect to, to reduce load on the primary database, this might cause a slight delay in the data being available through the Query API.

Below you can find examples of setups to get you started, you can mix and match the examples to suit your needs.

In-cluster setup

If you don’t have strong opinions on your setup, but still want full control on the resources created for some unsupported customizations, Upbound recommends the in-cluster setup.

For more customization than the managed setup, you can use CloudNativePG for PostgreSQL in the same cluster.

For in-cluster setup, manually deploy the operator in one of the supported ways, for example:

kubectl apply --server-side -f \
kubectl rollout status -n cnpg-system deployment cnpg-controller-manager -w --timeout 120s

Then create a Cluster and Pooler in the upbound-system namespace, for example:

kubectl create ns upbound-system

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1
kind: Cluster
  name: spaces-apollo-pg
  namespace: upbound-system
  instances: 2
  imageName: ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql:16
      database: upbound
      owner: spaces-controller
      - ALTER ROLE "spaces-controller" CREATEROLE;
      - spaces-apollo-pg-pooler
      - spaces-apollo-pg-pooler.upbound-system
      - spaces-apollo-pg-pooler.upbound-system.svc
      - spaces-apollo-pg-pooler.upbound-system.svc.cluster.local
    size: 10Gi
apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1
kind: Pooler
  name: spaces-apollo-pg-pooler
  namespace: upbound-system
    name: spaces-apollo-pg
    poolMode: transaction
      max_client_conn: "1000"
      default_pool_size: "10"
      max_prepared_statements: "1000"
  instances: 2
  type: rw
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-syncer-ingress-to-apollo-pg
  namespace: upbound-system
    - from:
        - podSelector:
              app: mxp-apollo-syncer
        - port: 5432
          protocol: TCP
      cluster: spaces-apollo-pg
    - Ingress

Adjust the Cluster and Pooler resources to your needs, for example by changing the spec.storage.size or spec.imageName.

CloudNativePG takes care of setting up the necessary Secrets.

Next, configure Spaces to use the CloudNativePG secrets:

helm upgrade --install ... \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=false" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.user=spaces-controller" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.url=spaces-apollo-pg-rw:5432" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.secret.name=spaces-apollo-pg-app" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.format=basicauth" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.ca.name=spaces-apollo-pg-ca" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.url=spaces-apollo-pg-pooler.upbound-system.svc:5432"

Common customisations

Below you can find references to how to customize this setup:

  • Storage: See the CloudNativePG documentation for more information on how to configure the storage.
  • Resources: See the CloudNativePG documentation for more information on how to configure the resources used by the PostgreSQL Cluster and the Pooler.
  • High Availability: See the CloudNativePG documentation for more information on how to configure replication for the PostgreSQL Cluster and the Pooler.
  • Images used: See the CloudNativePG documentation for more information on how to configure the images used by the PostgreSQL Cluster and the Pooler.
  • PostgreSQL configuration: See the CloudNativePG documentation for more information on how to configure the PostgreSQL instances, for example max_connections, shared_buffers, etc.

External setup with Spaces Controller credentials

If you want to run your PostgreSQL instance outside the cluster, but are fine with credentials being managed by the Spaces Controller, this is the suggested way to proceed.

When using this setup, you must manually create the required Secrets in the upbound-system namespace. The Spaces Controller automatically generates the Apollo Syncer and Apollo Server credentials.

export SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER=spaces-controller

kubectl create ns upbound-system

# A Secret containing the necessary credentials to connect to the PostgreSQL instance
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-app -n upbound-system \
  --from-literal=username=$SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER \

# A Secret containing the necessary CA certificate to verify the connection to the PostgreSQL instance
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-ca -n upbound-system \

Next, install Spaces with the necessary settings:

export PG_URL=your-postgres-host:5432
export PG_POOLED_URL=your-pgbouncer-host:5432 # this could be the same as above

helm upgrade --install ... \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=false" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.user=$SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.url=$PG_URL" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.secret.name=spaces-apollo-pg-app" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.format=basicauth" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.ca.name=spaces-apollo-pg-ca" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.url=$PG_POOLED_URL"

External setup with all custom credentials

For custom credentials with Apollo Syncers or Server, create a new secret in the upbound-system namespace:

export SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER=spaces-controller
export APOLLO_SYNCER_USER=syncer
export APOLLO_SERVER_USER=apollo

kubectl create ns upbound-system

# A Secret containing the necessary credentials to connect to the PostgreSQL instance
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-app -n upbound-system \
  --from-literal=username=$SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER \

# A Secret containing the necessary CA certificate to verify the connection to the PostgreSQL instance
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-ca -n upbound-system \

# A Secret containing the necessary credentials for the Apollo Syncers to connect to the PostgreSQL instance.
# These will be used by all Syncers in the Space.
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-syncer -n upbound-system \
  --from-literal=username=$APOLLO_SYNCER_USER \

# A Secret containing the necessary credentials for the Apollo Server to connect to the PostgreSQL instance.
kubectl create secret generic spaces-apollo-pg-apollo -n upbound-system \
  --from-literal=username=$APOLLO_SERVER_USER \

Next, install Spaces with the necessary settings:

export PG_URL=your-postgres-host:5432
export PG_POOLED_URL=your-pgbouncer-host:5432 # this could be the same as above

helm ... \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.enabled=true" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.create=false" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.user=$SPACES_CONTROLLER_USER" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.url=$PG_URL" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.secret.name=spaces-apollo-pg-app" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.credentials.format=basicauth" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.ca.name=spaces-apollo-pg-ca" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.url=$PG_POOLED_URL" \

  # For the syncers
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.credentials.format=basicauth" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.credentials.user=$APOLLO_SYNCER_USER" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.syncer.credentials.secret.name=spaces-apollo-pg-syncer" \

  # For the server
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.apollo.credentials.format=basicauth" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.apollo.credentials.user=$APOLLO_SERVER_USER" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.apollo.credentials.secret.name=spaces-apollo-pg-apollo" \
  --set "features.alpha.apollo.storage.postgres.connection.apollo.url=$PG_POOLED_URL"

Using the Query API

See the Query API documentation for more information on how to use the Query API.