Get started with Upbound Spaces. This guide deploys a self-hosted Upbound cluster in GCP.
Disconnected Spaces allows you to host managed control planes in your preferred environment.
To get started deploying your own Disconnected Space, you need:
- An Upbound organization account string, provided by your Upbound account representative
- A
license, provided by your Upbound account representative - An GCP account and the GCP CLI
Provision the hosting environment
Create a cluster
Configure the name and target region you want the GKE cluster deployed to.
export SPACES_PROJECT_NAME=upbound-spaces-project
export SPACES_CLUSTER_NAME=upbound-spaces-quickstart
export SPACES_LOCATION=us-west1-a
Create a new project and set it as the current project.
gcloud projects create ${SPACES_PROJECT_NAME}
gcloud config set project ${SPACES_PROJECT_NAME}
Provision a 3-node cluster.
gcloud container clusters create ${SPACES_CLUSTER_NAME} \
--enable-network-policy \
--num-nodes=3 \
Get the kubeconfig of your GKE cluster.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${SPACES_CLUSTER_NAME} --zone=${SPACES_LOCATION}
Configure the pre-install
Set your Upbound organization account details
Set your Upbound organization account string as an environment variable for use in future steps
Set up pre-install configurations
Export the path of the license token JSON file provided by your Upbound account representative.
# Change the path to where you saved the token.
Set the version of Spaces software you want to install.
export SPACES_VERSION=1.11.0
Set the router host and cluster type. The SPACES_ROUTER_HOST
is the domain name that’s used to access the control plane instances. It’s used by the ingress controller to route requests.
and provide a real domain that you own.Install the Spaces software
Install cert-manager
Install cert-manager.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait deployment -n cert-manager cert-manager-webhook --for condition=Available=True --timeout=360s
Install ingress-nginx
Starting with Spaces v1.10.0, you need to configure the ingress-nginx
controller to allow SSL-passthrough mode. You can do so by passing the
command-line option to the controller.
The following Helm install command enables this with the controller.extraArgs
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--create-namespace --namespace ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--version 4.7.1 \
--set 'controller.service.type=LoadBalancer' \
--set 'controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true' \
Install Upbound Spaces software
Create an image pull secret so that the cluster can pull Upbound Spaces images.
kubectl create ns upbound-system
kubectl -n upbound-system create secret docker-registry upbound-pull-secret \
--docker-server= \
--docker-username="$(jq -r .accessId $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH)" \
--docker-password="$(jq -r .token $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH)"
Log in with Helm to be able to pull chart images for the installation commands.
jq -r .token $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH | helm registry login -u $(jq -r .accessId $SPACES_TOKEN_PATH) --password-stdin
Install the Spaces software.
helm -n upbound-system upgrade --install spaces \
oci:// \
--version "${SPACES_VERSION}" \
--set "account=${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}" \
--set "authentication.hubIdentities=true" \
--set "authorization.hubRBAC=true" \
Create a DNS record
Create a DNS record for the load balancer of the public facing ingress. To get the address for the Ingress, run the following:
kubectl get ingress \
-n upbound-system mxe-router-ingress \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
If the preceding command doesn’t return a load balancer address then your provider may not have allocated it yet. Once it’s available, add a DNS record for the ROUTER_HOST
to point to the given load balancer address. If it’s an IPv4 address, add an A record. If it’s a domain name, add a CNAME record.
Configure the up CLI
With your kubeconfig pointed at the Kubernetes cluster where you installed
Upbound Spaces, create a new profile in the up
CLI. This profile interacts
with your Space:
up profile create --use ${SPACES_CLUSTER_NAME} --type=disconnected --organization ${UPBOUND_ACCOUNT}
Optionally, log in to your Upbound account using the new profile so you can use the Upbound Marketplace with this profile as well:
up login
Connect to your Space
Use up ctx
to create a kubeconfig context pointed at your new Space:
up ctx disconnected/$(kubectl config current-context)
Create your first managed control plane
You can now create a managed control plane with the up
up ctp create ctp1
You can also create a control plane with kubectl:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ControlPlane
name: ctp1
namespace: default
name: kubeconfig-ctp1
namespace: default
The first managed control plane you create in a Space takes around 5 minutes to get into a condition=READY
state. Wait until it’s ready using the following command:
kubectl wait controlplane ctp1 --for condition=Ready=True --timeout=360s
Connect to your managed control plane
Connect to your managed control plane with the up ctx
command. With your kubeconfig still pointed at the Kubernetes cluster where you installed the Upbound Space, run the following:
up ctx ./default/ctp1
This command updates your current kubectl context. You’re now connected to your managed control plane directly. Confirm this is the case by trying to list the CRDs in your managed control plane:
kubectl get crds
To disconnect from your managed control plane and switch back to your previous context:
up ctx -